
Ban King-moon

Secretary General of the United Nations

"we must realize the Green Growth through economic transformation and global cooperation. We must connect clean and sustainable technology with markets and finance and ensure these are available to all countries."

Sha Zukang

Former Under Secretary-General of the United Nations for Economic and Social Affairs (2007-2012); Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (RIO+20); I GEA Honorary Chairman

"the One Belt One Road Initiative must be 'green' and emphasize on sustainable development...if not, the belt and road will be the constraints of development in the run"


The Economic and Environmental landscape of Germany

Europe's largest economy. Germany's economy is largely made up of a service sector (around 70 percent of the total GDP), a robust industry (29.1 percent of GDP), and a small but notable agricultural sector (0.9 percent of GDP). The nation's national output derives from exports (41 percent): including vehicles, machinery, chemical goods, electronic products, electrical equipment, pharmaceuticals, transport equipment, metal, food products, rubber, and plastics.

Germany is rich in a number of natural resources, including timber, iron ore, potash, salt, uranium, nickel, copper, and natural gas. Although most energy in Germany comes from fossil fuels, it is leading the way in renewable energy development and use with about 27 percent of its electricity derived from renewable sources. Examples include biomass (wood and biofuels), wind, hydro, solar, and nuclear power. Germany was the first major industrialized nation to commit to the renewable energy agreement called Energiewende, and it has become the leading producer of wind turbines in the world ... [MORE]

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The economic and environmental landscape of China

China, one of the world's most ancient civilizations, has a recorded history of nearly 4,000 years. The People's Republic of China is located in the eastern part of the Asian continent, on the western Pacific rim. It is a vast land, covering 9.6 million square kilometers. China is approximately seventeen times the size of France, 1 million square kilometers smaller than all of Europe. China aims to cut carbon dioxide emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) by 60 percent to 65 percent from the 2005 level by 2030, according to China's intended nationally determined contributions (INDC), an action plan submitted to the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. That goal will be a big step further from China's previous emission control target, which eyes a decrease of 40 percent to 45 percent from the 2015 level by 2020.

Green Opportunities

China welcomes more EU participation in Chinese urbanization. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on 30th June welcomed European Union (EU) participation in China's urbanization process, especially in smart city building and energy efficiency at a forum on the China-EU urbanization partnership in the Belgian capital. He arrived Sunday for the 17th China-EU leaders' meeting. A new type of people-oriented urbanization process featuring harmonious and inclusive cities will be the solution, he said ... [MORE]

Economic Landscape of Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia covers a large area of about 2 000 000 km2, which is about 80 percent of the total area of the Arabian peninsula.

Saudi oil reserves are the second largest in the world, and Saudi Arabia is the world's leading oil exporter and second largest producer. Proven reserves, according to figures provided by the Saudi government, are estimated to be 260 billion barrels (41 km3), about one-quarter of world oil reserves. The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 92.5% of Saudi budget revenues, 90% of export earnings, and 55% of GDP.

As a result of government encouragement and financial aid, cultivated land has dramatically increased. Sophisticated technology and modern machinery were introduced from foreign countries, new crops and varieties were cultivated, the greenhouse industry and large agricultural projects were established, and two more colleges of agriculture were opened. Self-sufficiency and even export of some products such as wheat, dates, watermelon, poultry and fresh eggs and milk have been achieved ... [MORE]


By breaking the connectivity bottle neck, the Belt and Road 'integrates all the existing cooperation, especially that in the field of connectivity with neighboring and regional countries and enabling everyone to share development opportunities. It is "aimed to promoting orderly and free flow of economic factors, highly efficient allocation of resources and deep integration of markets , achieve economic policy coordination and carry out broader and in-depth regional cooperation for higher standard".

Various countries along the proposed route have expressed broad support. Over the past years, China and relevant countries, together with regional organizations, have put in a lot of efforts to jointly build the "One Belt and One Road". These emerging markets have big growth potentials and attracts people worldwide, which will create the most promising economic corridor in the regions.

GBO-China provides a platform for international cooperation in green business. GBO-China helps enterprises from worldwide to get participation into the grand construction of' 'One belt One Road' and access to the benefits of green growth.

Featured sectors include international green technology transfer, clean energy, agriculture, green architecture etc.


Key strategic significance of One Belt and One Road

One of the key recent policies launched by China is the One Belt and One Road initiatives announced by President Xi Jinping. As this simultaneously combines both economic and diplomatic aspects, it provides an important part of the international context for discussion at the current NPC and CPPCC sessions. But the strategic importance of the One Belt and One Road policy should not be seen as a short ...


International Green Economy Association
Address: Room 2016, E-Tower Building, No. C12 Guanghua Rd.
Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100020

Contact Person:

Rose Hou
Telephone: +86 10 65935089 ext.8017
Mobile: +86 135 2170 6950