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GBO-China IGEA 浏览 评论
  On Nov. 19th, 2015, GBO-CHINA B2B Fair for global green technology and business cooperation, a supporting event of 2015 EC EXPO, was held in Beijing. Jointly sponsored by International Green Economy Association and GBO-CHINA, the B2B Fair aimed at promoting the connection between green and energy-saving technologies, and market demand, as well as facilitating the integration of overseas and Chinese green industries.
  洽谈会提供了商机发布、考察对接、金融合作、协议代拟、政策咨询、法律保障等配套商务服务活动。来自中国、丹麦、瑞典、韩国、以色列等10余个国家的近60家企业,围绕开展可再生能源、清洁技术、固废利用、节能减排等方面的合作,进行了务实深入的洽谈。两个小时洽谈中外企业交流酣畅淋漓成果丰硕,来自德国的Kubler热泵系统、IEN建筑设计,来自奥地利的carbontopia technology,以及来自以色列的塔氏能源;以及国内企业辽宁四海威龙科技有限公司等都在洽谈中达成了合作意向,并签订了意向合作。北京仟亿达科技股份有限公司经过洽谈成为365国际娱乐平台会员。
  The supporting business services and activities provided during the B2B Fair include business opportunity release, investigation and matchmaking, financial cooperation, agreement drafting, policy consultation, legal protection, and so on. More than 60 enterprises coming from over 10 countries, including China, Denmark, Sweden, South Korea, Israel, etc., had practical and in-depth conversations on collaboration in the areas of renewable energy, clean technology, solid waste recycling, energy conservation and emission reduction, etc. After two-hour exchanges and discussions, numerous agreements have been reached. For instance, German Kübler GmbH focused on heat pump systems, IEN Consultants specialized in architectural design, Austrian Guo Business Development Consult featuring Carbontopia technology, Tamuz Energy from Israel, and Si Hai Wei Long, a domestic science and technology company based in Liaoning Provence, have successfully found their potential partners in the exchanges, and signed the Memorandum Of Understanding. Moreover, KINGETA (Beijing)Inc. has been certified as IGEA member company after negotiation.




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